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World Record Holder for Golf Marathons & Golf Endurance Marks

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Golf's Ironman
A History of Fundraising and World Record Setting Golf

July, 2005 After many years of professional competition including the Champions Division of the PGA Tour, Bob set his most significant golf score record.  At the Chestly Oaks Golf Course in Fairview Alabama, he shot a remarkable 63 when he was 64 years old, shooting his age or better for the first time!

June, 2006 $50,000 was raised through pledges per golf hole played in one day.  Bob played 188 holes that day which led to the Golf Ironman Fundraising events. The money paid for a new kitchen for Kenya Relief's orphanage, called Whit's Place. 

June 2007 Bob played 220 holes in one day to again raise money for Kenya Relief.


After playing 220 holes in one day Bob became curious to learn about the most golf holes played in one day.  His research led him into contact with Guinness World Records (GWR).  They shared that there was no recognition of most holes played in one day but did recognize the mark of 400 consecutive golf holes played over a day and a half. This led Bob to create golf world record setting events to raise funds for charities. 

July 2009 "Ironman Golf Marathon" Bob played 500 consecutive holes of golf over 39 hours, day and night, for A World Record of Consecutive holes played, raised $40,000 to provide fresh water for a community in Columbia South America.


December 27, 2010  Ministries to Children (MTC) 501C-3 was formed as a vehicle to donate funds raised through the Ironman golf events. Dr. Phil Tankersley of Cullman Alabama, was elected as the first President of MTC.   PGA Golf professional Marshall Carpenter of Palm Beach, Florida was the Vice-President.

May 1, 2011    Concert of Hope  (Cullman, Alabama Fairgrounds)

In April, 2011 a devastating tornado hit the city of Cullman and caused great damage. Golfs Ironman was among the community leaders helping raise monies for the community.  Several events were planned including the Concert of Hope featuring "Casting Crowns"

$20,700 offering donated to American Red Cross .

June 4-11, 2011    Ironman GWR Event (Quail Creek Golf Resort) 

As part of the tornado relief Bob Kurtz set a new Guinness World Records mark of 1,850  holes played in seven days and the event raised $102,000. 

June 11, 2011   Tornado Bowl (Cullman HS Football Stadium)

Cullman High former football players (over 25 years old) took on Cullman County players. At half time Golfs Ironman was introduced and his world record celebrated.  The game raised $6,000 for the tornado relief.

July 30, 2012   "Roast of Bob Kurtz" (Terri Pines Country Club, Cullman, Alabama)

Funds distributed to the charity Victim Services which provides help to survivors of abuse.

August 1, 2012  Guinness World Records Event (Chesley Oaks Golf Course, Fairview, Alabama)

Bob scored his age or better Seven Times in one day.  Funds raised for "Ministries To Children."

May 23, 2016  Ironman played 3 different golf courses on his 75th birthday and shot lower than his age at all 3 courses. Raised over $7,500 for Ministries to Children.

                            Cross Creek GC                                                    Chesley Oaks GC                                                              Terri Pines CC                                                                          Cullman, AL                                                                Fairview, AL                                                                        Cullman, AL

 2017       "While We're Young" golf event based of the famous line from "Caddy Shack" where Al Czervik (Rodney Dangerfield) is frustrated by the slow play of Judge Smails.  With Marc Melzer present, Ironman played 72 holes in 3 hours and 5 minutes.  He shot 80-79-76-71.  The final round played in 39 minutes is recognized as the fastest sub-par round ever played!

December, 2019 "Clothing and Cocktails" Charity Auction.  A playing lesson with Golf's Ironman raised $2,000 to benefit struggling women through AWEE (Arizona Women-Employment and Education).

                                                                           Playing Lesson Charity Winners


March, 2021  "Ironman 1,000" Bob hit 1,142 drives at Top Golf in Scottsdale for a World Record in 9 and a half hours. The event raised over $30,000 for Turn A New Leaf Charity.

May, 2022 Hit 1,001 drives at Ancala Country Club on Saturday of Mothers day Weekend, and raised over $10,000 for the charity Family Promise.

April, 2023  An important date in the MTC fundraising efforts. Ministries To Children, Inc., formed "Making Taxes Count, LLC."  a Qualified Charitable Organization (QCO) as recognized by the AZ Dept. of Revenue .  With this status, every AZ taxpayer can contribute up to $800 directly off their State tax bill.  The money will go through MTC and directly fund the immediate needs of qualified low-income families. For more information about QCO's visit AZ Department of Revenue.

April 24, 2023 Ironman had the first "Lefty-Righty" World Record attempt, which raised over $20,000 for Ministries to Children. He continues to strive to set the record within the year! 

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I Respect Our Nation

I Reaffirm Others' Needs

Idealism Rules Over Negativity

I Rely On No One

Why does “Golf’s Ironman,” Bob Kurtz, continue to set golf endurance records?

“Wherever and whenever I can do my part to help ease the plight of homeless families and their children. I believe children should be able to have a home to call their own, and it’s worth the blood, sweat, and blisters,” affirmed the Ironman.

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Interview with Bob after he received treatment for his elbow prior to record setting event

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Guinness World Records 

Golf's Ironman Bob Kurtz

           Shot Age 7 times in one day  

           Played 1,850 Holes of golf in one week


Other Significant World Records

           500 consecutive holes played in 39 hours

           72 Holes of Golf played in three hours and five minutes

           Played 18 holes in 39 minutes, scoring a 71. Fastest under par round ever                 played

          1,042 Drives (at least 200 yards) in 12 hours at Top Golf Scottsdale

          Shot his age (70 yrs) or lower 23 times in one week during the 1,850 holes                event

          Shot his age (83 yrs) or lower both Left-Handed and Right-Handed

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  • Kurtz played all 7 historic golf courses in St. Andrews Scotland as part of the St. Andrews Golf Festival

  • Bob concluded the Festival by playing 108 Holes at the Torrance Course with the temperature being 0 degrees Centigrade with high winds and icy sleet

Homeless Families

God The Father Always Smiles While

Watching His Happy Children At Play

What if?

What if  there were No at risk or homeless families

What if there were No abused or neglected children

What if  Every child was wanted, loved and valued

What if you could help a child have a happy home

Ministry To Children, Inc. is dedicated to these dreams and goals. MTC raises monies for homeless families and hurting children. MTC works tirelessly to spread the message of the need for everyone to join in the battle against child neglect and homelessness.


World Record Holder for Golf Marathons & Golf Endurance Marks

Bob Kurtz
Golf's Ironman

© 2023 Bob Kurtz


For more information about the event, feel free to contact us.

Phone number: 256-531-3806

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